Today's era, people are well engaged in technology. Some use it on business, education, news, and in different fields. But most people just use it for gaming, social media, and even pornography which is a very bad habit that consumes most of their time. Changing this kind of habit is a challenge but I believe that through hard work and perseverance you can stop it.
Changing bad habits is not just one snap, you need to put a lot of effort. If you want to change your habit first thing that you should do is to identify your routine. You should make a list of your activities every day, on how many hours you spend on each activity. I’m so sure by doing this you can see wasted time just for your gaming and social media. Next to that, you should make an ideal daily routine, put specific time for every activity that you plan to do every day. It is better to make it as a checklist, print it, then display in a place that you can easily see whenever you wake up, so it can constantly remind you of your activities. It is also a good idea to set an alarm on your phone, so if you hear your phone beep it reminds you of your next activity. I know it may be weird but I’m sure it will work.
Be consistent in following your planned daily activities. If you feel tired and lazy. You should motivate yourself. There are two ways you can motivate yourself, its either intrinsically or extrinsically. Extrinsic motivation is motivating yourself by doing something because you know there is a reward. Such as you need to write a very good essay for you to have a good grade and if you have a good grade your parents will reward you with a double allowance. And intrinsic motivation is you do something because you are enjoying it. Such as you love writing an essay because you are enjoying sharing thoughts to your reader, your rewards are fun for yourself. If you hate the activity you can use extrinsic motivation, just think of it that at the end of the activity you can gain a reward. But extrinsic motivation is not always a good idea and it doesn’t apply to all activities. It is better to be intrinsically motivated on what you do every day, if you are intrinsically motivated you cannot feel boredom and being tired in doing something.
It is also a must that you should be aware of your surroundings. Satan will always tempt you so you cannot achieve your goal. Prayer is your ultimate weapon against him. Don’t let anyone or any situation manipulate you in not doing your goal every day. It is always hard at the start, but if you are consistent in doing it, you will be victorious.
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