Photography is not just taking pictures for the purpose of recreation or to have something we post on our social media accounts. As PicsArt implies ”Picture is Art” an art that a photographer can create from any genre, still life, street photography, documentary, landscape, nude, portrait, using a particular style–point of view, choice of lens, type of lighting, color or black and white for deeper purposes. The world is being polluted by photographs, as we surf the internet we see a different kinds of pictures for different purposes. Some are for the advertisement of any services and products, some are just for fun- sharing pictures of what they do every day, sharing pictures showing their cool body and it is a fact that they use also photographs to kill someone’s image, bullying and to blackmail, and for porn. I believe that there is a deeper essence of having photography in our lives, I believe that Heavenly Father gave us this for the purpose of sharing the beauty of li...